This Is Why You Might Want to Trade Oil

October 12, 2018

2 min

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According to CNBC, we are about to witness an abundance of trading opportunities in the oil market. And President Trump is to blame. The United States administration is about to impose crude sanctions against Iran on November 4. What is the most possible outcome? In accordance with the law of supply and demand, when supply goes down and demand stays the same, the price of the asset cannot but depreciate. Of course, the price surge is not guaranteed. Still, this is what CNBC experts claim to be quite likely. After all, the price of oil has already increased 25% since the beginning of 2018.
Source: The global economic impact of $100 oil ‘isn’t trivial’: Here are the likely winners and losers
Here is how to trade oil on the IQ Option trading platform:

  • Go to
  • You can trade oil as a digital option, as a commodity or even trade one of the oil-related exchange-traded fund.

  • The easiest way to find the required asset is to click the ‘Open New Asset’ button in the upper part of the screen and type in “OIL”.
  • All you have to do then is to choose a particular trading instrument.

Note that different instruments will be traded differently, despite all being tied to the price of oil.

What should you learn next? Turn the wheel to find out!

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