IQ Option platform is upgraded

November 18, 2014

2 min

Table of contents

IQ Option Team continues to improve the functionality of the platform making it more comfortable for traders. Recent changes were introduced for the education and graphs` display.

New Education system

Now there are 7 levels of difficulty in Education system. It is focused on practice and take into account different levels of traders. The beginner level consists of introduction to binary options and financial markets. The second level is a guidebook for platform candlestick chart. The third and next levels teach how to use strategies for binary options and tools like support and resistance lines and complex technical indicators such as RSI and Bollinger bands.

Upgrades of the platform

1. Now a trader can add frequently used assets to the Quick Access Toolbar which is located above the graph. In order to do put an asset to the toolbar it is enough to mark it in the list of assets.

Quick Access Toolbar IQ Option
Quick Access Toolbar

2. Toolbar is can be put both horizontally and vertically.

3. Candlestick chart style can be displayed in white-orange (colors of IQ Option) and red-green (widely used all over the world).

4. Toolbar can be removed if it blocks the graph in retrospection.

What should you learn next? Turn the wheel to find out!

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