U.S. GDP Growth Rate

GDP Growth Rate is a quarterly release by the US Bureau of Economic Analysis, which measures the change in real GDP from preceding quarter. It is seasonally adjusted and reported in annual rates. Higher than expected readings are positive for the US Dollar and the US economy, as they indicate higher economic growth. The actual readings show variations as they take into account the effects of seasonality. For the past year of 2016, the higher reading of GDP Growth Rate was reported for the 3rd quarter, whereas for the year of 2015 the highest reading was for the 2nd quarter. The goal for the current US Government Administration is for the GDP Growth Rate to reach 3.0%.

The United States GDP Growth Rate

The United States GDP Growth Rate latest reading for the 1st quarter of 2017 was 1.4% higher than the consensus estimate of 1.2%, but also lower than the previous reading of 2.1% during the 4th quarter of 2016. The long-term average for the United States GDP Growth Rate and the period of years 1947-2017 is 3.22%. The all-time high reading was 16.90% in the 1st quarter of 1950. The all-time low price for the reading was -10% during the 1st quarter of 1958. In the years of 2013 and 2014, the United States GDP Growth Rate was higher than in the years of 2015 and 2016.