Both Iranians and Uranus Say Bitcoin Is a Great Investment

May 10, 2018

< 1 min

Bitcoin has been an exceedingly volatile commodity as of late, going from around $20,000 in mid-December to under $6,000 by early February. That scared away some investors, but not Ricky Williams. He is more excited than ever about the cryptocurrency, and that excitement has to do with Uranus.
When I look at things, I tend to look at astrology to get insight,” says Williams.

“The insight that got me interested in Bitcoin was the planet Uranus is about to enter into Taurus.”

“I think as people are starting to become disillusioned with our institutions, that things like blockchain and cryptocurrency, it’s the perfect time for them to catch fire and really change the way we do things,” Williams added.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the world, and in anticipation of the potential collapse of the Obama-era deal, Iran began developing an experimental local cryptocurrency sometime last year. A local told the media yesterday:

“For now it seems like Bitcoin is literally the only way to get money out of the country, so I’m sure more people will be inclined to use it, but with the rampant inflation here, a lot of people won’t be able to afford it.”

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