Blockchain Week New York and Bitcoin’s Price

May 11, 2018

< 1 min

Blockchain Week New York starts today, and the enthusiasm around the event could send the Bitcoin price back above the $10,000. If so, it would be the first this happens since early March.
The most famous digital currency price has been hovering just under the $10,000 line for the past few weeks and came close to crossing it last weekend before falling back. It is currently trading at around $8,600 per coin.
This is the first year New York City is holding a Blockchain Week, which will go from today through May 17. An estimated 8,000 people are expected to attend several events as part of Blockchain Week New York. The events include talks from the Twitter chief executive Jack Dorsey, St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank president James Bullard, and European Parliament member Eva Kaili.
Bitcoin enthusiasts and investors will paying close attention to these and other traditional tech and finance big hitters to gauge Bitcoin price sentiment and any plans they have to use digital currency.

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