Blockchain Smart Contracts Explained

July 27, 2017

7 min

Blockchain has become the norm in the recent past. However, while at it, what we mostly refer to are the cryptocurrencies. Blockchain in the business world relies on several upcoming applications to make it simpler. Your business could benefit significantly through, as much as you never transact in Bitcoins.
Smart contracts have got you covered in this line of work.

Definition of Smart Contracts

These are self-fulfilling contracts, in line with the terms you set. The idea of smart contracts, also known as blockchain contracts was brought forward by a cryptographer and legal Scholar named Nick Szabo in 1994.
This could involve conversion of contracts to computer code, storing and replicating besides having computers that manage the blockchain, to supervise. This would produce a ledger feedback like money transfer and receipt of service or product.

The smart contract will perform the task of verifying sending of any payment shortly after specific actions are finished.

The setting and ensuring fulfillment of terms of agreement is done by small contracts, through utilization of computer codes. For instance, the smart contract will perform the task of verifying sending of any payment shortly after specific actions are finished.
The computer code is set in a way so as to cover ‘if-then’ instances, as well as putting into consideration meeting required terms to move the contract forward. Therefore, human language and out -of- context talk should be of zero concern.
In the business scenario, small contracts automate how blockchain is used in the same way transactions of Bitcoins are carried out.
Due to the publicity of blockchain, this is in terms of their operations, monitoring of smart contracts would be simple. This is due to the presence of self-manageable contract that works from a pre-set code, in conjunction with public records.

Example of a smart contract

The code that you can find here is that of a basic smart contract, Written on the Ethereum blockchain.  The following contract will implement the simplest form of a cryptocurrency. It is possible to generate coins out of thin air, but only the person that created the contract will be able to do that (it is trivial to implement a different issuance scheme). Furthermore, anyone can send coins to each other without any need for registering with username and password – all you need is an Ethereum key pair.

pragma solidity ^0.4.0;
contract Coin {
    // The keyword "public" makes those variables
    // readable from outside.
    address public minter;
    mapping (address => uint) public balances;
    // Events allow light clients to react on
    // changes efficiently.
    event Sent(address from, address to, uint amount);
    // This is the constructor whose code is
    // run only when the contract is created.
    function Coin() {
        minter = msg.sender;
    function mint(address receiver, uint amount) {
        if (msg.sender != minter) return;
        balances[receiver] += amount;
    function send(address receiver, uint amount) {
        if (balances[msg.sender] < amount) return;
        balances[msg.sender] -= amount;
        balances[receiver] += amount;
        Sent(msg.sender, receiver, amount);

The most preferred for use is Ethereum. This is due to its processing capability that has no limits. However, this is not to say that contracts cannot be encoded on any blockchain.

What Do Smart Contracts Provide You With?


This is an entirely independent set-up, which requires no brokerage whatsoever. This is not to overlook the fact that there is no need for any third parties like intermediaries or lawyers to agree. Therefore, there is zero potential risk of any third party manipulating due to the fact that management of execution is automated by network involved. There is a high level of objectivity involved since potential bias and errors by individuals is completely eliminated.


Nobody can claim to have lost it because of the encryption of your documents on a common ledger, shared by the parties involved.

Backup plan

Blockchain has got you covered on this aspect, since through it; all your friends will support you. This is to mean that there are many duplicates of your documents, in the event your savings accounts are lost by your bank.


The security that comes with websites getting encrypted is top notch. This is what is referred to as cryptography. Your documents are ensured safety, as it would take an exceptionally intelligent hacker to get through the codes. Therefore this is to ensure that your documents are not prone to hacking.

Fast enough

Unlike the loads of time you would spend getting your paperwork processed manually, smart contracts ensures automation of tasks through software codes to save you a lot of time that would otherwise be spent passing through endless processes.


Due to the absence of third parties, intermediaries for that matter, smart contracts go a long way in saving your finances as you would need to hire a legal representative to check out as you make your transactions.


There is considerable omission of errors when smart contracts are used. This is due to the incorporated automation which also adds on to bring about low costs and high speed, compared to completing many forms on a manual basis.

Blockchains – Avenues for Processing Smart Contracts

Bitcoin: As much as Bitcoin has a couple of limitations when it comes to processing of documents, it is exceptionally perfect in processing of Bitcoin.
Ethereum: All you need in order to use this service are ‘ETH’ tokens in order to cater for expenses that come with computing power. With that in place, processing as well as coding of smart contracts is done in the most advanced way possible with this platform of blockchain which is public in nature.
Side Chains: These are block chains that increase the extent of processing contracts. They work contiguous to Bitcoin.
NXT: This platform is of blockchain and is public. It consists of a few templates to choose from for use by smart contracts. You cannot code your own.

The Merits And Demerits That Come With Smart Contracts

The significant merits evident are that costs are cut, legal hassles reduced, time is saved and security of transactions enhanced within a short time due to digitizing of transactions.
Making smart contracts applicable in the public sphere has been faced with a number of challenges, since insertion of digital chips in physical products is necessary for them to be accessible through smart contracts.

SWIFT and US Postal Service have dwelled upon smart contracts usage in their networks.

Execution of smart contracts in strict sectors like financial sector is faced with legal issues , like the know-your-customer rule famous for  keeping off money launderers . Decentralization in processing requires clients credentials which could bring issues in future bringing challenges in conflict resolutions due to lack of accountability in law courts.
Smart contracts have been vastly used ensuring great reception all over industries. SWIFT and US Postal Service have dwelled upon smart contracts usage in their networks.


There has been a bit of careless usage of terms in this sector, which has created challenges altogether. Blockchain is interdisciplinary making people to consider it their own eliminating others in the process.
Lawyers overlook blockchain-code ability to stretch beyond reach of law. Developers see unlimited potential of software ignoring commercial actualities present in old legalities. Interdisciplinary fields should get insights from each other.


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