5 Great Movies About Traders to Watch This Weekend

August 15, 2019

3 min

The weekend is just around the corner! A time to relax and take some time off after a week of hard work and intensive trading. For those interested in the global financial market, it is also an opportunity to learn something new in a fun and entertaining manner. Say, by watching a bunch of good movies about Wall Street and professional speculators. Here are our top 5 movies about trading!

Wolf of Wall Street

Probably the most well-known trading-related motion picture of the last decade. This is a movie about the ugly side of trading, and that’s exactly why people love it so much. Securities fraud, money laundering — it is all here. The movie is captivating, humorous and is packed with action. Definitely a must watch, but don’t try to replicate things you will see here. This is a textbook of what NOT to do when operating on the market.
The most interesting part? It is based on a real person, Jordan Ross Belfort. You can read more about him online if you found this movie interesting.

Wall Street

An all-time classic about Wall Street, greed and professionalism by Oliver Stone. This movie provides the portrait of an immoral, yet highly likeable character by Michael Douglas and his subordinate Charlie Sheen. This movie is just as about personal relations in trading, as it is about trading per se. Definitely a must watch.

Margin Call

This renowned film demonstrates the dark side of trading. What should a trader do when everything goes bad? How to manage losses and come back after a losing streak? How to understand that the next financial crisis is just around the corner and what to do when something big is coming? These are the questions this movie is asking. If you want to understand the logic behind the decisions financial giants make, this movie is worth watching.


The only documentary on the list, Floored provides an insight into futures trading. It also touches on the problem of gambling in trading (some newcomers have a problem distinguishing the two). This movie is unparalleled in terms of education and, being a documentary, is as realistic as possible.


This series is a great take on the present-day realities of the highly competitive and ruthless world of professional investors. It has an interesting story to tell and a couple of lessons to learn. It comes as no surprise that Robert “Bobby” Axelrod has become a role mode for lots of aspiring traders worldwide.

What should you learn next? Turn the wheel to find out!

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